Grief Library

Welcome to the Griefwords Online Library

Brought to you by the Center for Loss and Life Transition 
Alan Wolfelt, PH.D, Director

Greving Children

For and About Grieving Children and Teenagers

Children and teenagers have special needs following the death of a friend or family member. The following articles provide wonderful insight in helping children and teens understand and express their grief.

Finding the Right Words: Guidelines on how to talk to grieving children about death

How to Talk to the Children and Teens in Your Life About the Newtown, CT Tragedy

Helping Infants and Toddlers Cope with Grief

Helping Children Cope With Grief

Helping Children with Funerals

Helping Teenagers Cope with Grief

In Time of Need

In Time of Need

We understand that making the many decisions which come at a time of loss can be difficult. We are here to support you in making immediate arrangements.

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